Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Gold Standard Institute

I'm adding a new site to my blog roll. There's no question in any sane person's mind that fiat currency is a farce and that we are headed for calamity and collapse in money - and that capitalism (freedom) will be blamed - not over a century of government interference. Only a gold standard separated from government manipulation will ensure liberty.
Here are some links to familiarize yourself with genuine currency:

The Gold Standard Institute

Free Money! Then Free the rest of the economy

Gold Wars

Monday, June 02, 2014

Two Articles of Interest by John Robb at his site: Global Guerrillas

I occasionally thumb thru my own link list and I put Mr. Robb's site there when I first started this blog. He has two articles of note on current events that should provide food for thought. Here they are:

Russia and the Crimea

Hackers will fight the next Big War

I don't necessarily agree with everything/most of Mr. Robb's ideas, but they are interesting, to say the least.